Top 10 Venomous animals on Earth


In this Article, we define the Top 10 Venomous animals on Earth. By the way, this world is now ruled by human beings, but if we go back millions of years in history, before humans, there were such terrible creatures in this world that if they were alive today, perhaps humans would not be able to live in this world.

I will tell you about 10 such terrible animals which have become extinct millions and millions of years ago, but if they are mentioned even today, people get scared even hearing their names.
Here are some animals.

No 10: Smilodon

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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  Friends, you must have seen this scary animal called Smilodon somewhere in movies and serials. This carnivore looked very scary And what made it scary was its 2 sharp teeth that protruded from its mouth. The fingers of a normal human are 3 to 4 inches long, but the teeth of a Smilodon They were 7 inches long.

After the dinosaurs died, the saber-toothed tiger became the biggest predator of the time and it used to tear its prey to pieces with its sword-like sharp teeth. It was said and the surprising thing is that these tigers lived with humans. Humans started to hunt them and soon they disappeared from this world. They say that these tigers were very powerful. If you fight them with today's lions, these lions will win

No 9: GigantopethPhoto By Pexel

You must have seen the character named King Kong in the movies, who is often shown fighting dinosaurs or crocodiles. King Kong looks cool, But the funny thing is that there is actually no King Kong. King Kong is the fictional movie character that was created after seeing Gigantophichus.

                                                 Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth

Gigantopethicus was the largest ape in the world, which lived with humans 100,000 years ago. This monkey was not dangerous at all, but whenever he was attacked by human beings, he responded to the attack. This monkey was not as big as King Kong, but it was much bigger than normal humans and other gorillas.

No 8: Meganeura

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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If we talk about insects, then there are insects in this world that are scary to see, today these insects look scary, but if we go back in time, this insect named Maganeura was the biggest insect in the world. It looked like a dragonfly, but it was much bigger and scarier than a normal dragonfly. It was so much bigger insect. Some people are so timid that They get scared even looking at a cockroach. So just think about what will happen to them if Meganeura comes in front of them.

No 7: Helicorpion

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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You must have seen many strange fishes, You will surely get lost in thought that you have never seen such a strange and scary fish before. it had a round blade in place of its lower teeth, which it used to cut its prey in two in one blow. Later, it used to swallow with its mouth. This fish was also in this world before the dinosaurs, but 27 million years from today, its species disappeared from this world

No 6: Pentecopterus

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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The scorpion is an animal whose name is feared, but today's scorpion is very small in size, and yet it is so dangerous that it can kill anyone But if we go back in time there were such terrible scorpions in this world were bigger than humans, and They used to live in the depths of the sea They easily hunted any animal in the sea. As the weather changed, they had trouble finding food. So they started eating each other.

No 5: Mosasaurus

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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This animal named Mosasaurus was neither a fish nor a crocodile, but it was a very dangerous sea lizard that has been shown in many movies, its length was up to 55 feet, Due to which it was considered among the largest marine animals When the Aestroid hit the ground, the dinosaurs were killed along with this lizard.

No 4: Titanoboa

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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If I say which is the biggest snake in the world, then snakes like Anacondas or Pythons will come to your mind, but millions of years ago there were also such dangerous snakes in this world, that Anacondas and pythons were nothing in front of them. The largest snake among them was the Titanoboa. this snake named Titanoboa is the biggest and most terrifying snake in history.

It was so big that it could swallow humans and even animals in one fell swoop, according to a study. Among the animals that Titanoboa used to eat were fish, large lizards, cows, buffaloes, etc. Perhaps it existed in this world 60 million years ago, but due to the change in climate, it found it difficult to find prey. These snakes also disappeared from this world

NO 3: Megalodon

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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Even today, among the animals living in the sea, the shark is considered to be the bloodiest and most terrifying animal, and one such shark called the Great White Shark is considered the most dangerous shark in the world, Also known as the King of Sea this shark used to tear and eat its prey very badly, but if we go back four million years, there was a shark that was even bigger than the Mosasaurus.

This shark was three times larger than the Great White Shark of yesterday This shark was called Megaladon and was the biggest marine predator of its time. So if a small great white shark is so dangerous, how much more dangerous would the megalodon be than the Mosasaurus shark? According to a study, megalodon would tear the Mosasaurus to pieces. If the Mosasaurus were to be fought with the Megalodons

No 2 Mega Crocodile


Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
  Photo By Istock

Today's crocodiles are very small But still, they are so dangerous that they can defeat any animal and snap any animal in its strong jaws until it dies. These crocodiles are nothing but Eleven million years ago there used to be crocodiles that were so big that no human would have ever thought of them Recently scientists found some crocodile bones but it was so big that even dinosaurs' bones.

It was the largest crocodile ever found in the world Sarcosuchus Imperator, also known as the mega crocodile, this crocodile was so big and scary. The length of this crocodile was up to 30 feet. After the death of the dinosaur, this crocodile also faced a shortage of food, due to which these crocodiles also died out.

No 1: T Rex

Top 10 Venomous Animals on Earth
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T Rex whose full name is Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is considered to be the most dangerous animal in history. It was so bloodthirsty and savage that it used to kill and eat dinosaurs bigger than itself, which is why it is also called the king of dinosaurs, its jaws were very strong and powerful, and Its bite force was three times greater than the Great White Shark.


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